Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Lois Lowry essays

Lois Lowry essays ... Now I deal with the frustrations, fears, and disappointments of life by making stories out of them: by examining them, tipping them upside down and inside out arranging them in an order that makes sense, weaving them through with details and holding them up to the light. That is how Lois Lowry comes up with her stories. By taking all her emotions and what everyone deals with in life and also by using some of her childhood memories in writing her stories. Lois Lowry was born on March 20, 1973 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Her parents were Robert E. Hammersberg and Katherine Hammersberg, who was a teacher. Her father was a dentist who was stationed with the army at Pearl Harbor, but before the bombing, the family moved to the mainland in the Amish country of Pennsylvania. The house and town in Pennsylvania where she grew up is used as the setting for one of her books called, Autumn Street. Lois Lowrys intelligence was shown early at the age of three years-old, she learned how to read at the age of three years-old. Lowry attended Brown University through the years 1954 and 1956 but even though she was smart, she dropped out of college early because of the tradition of the fifties to marry early. She married Donald Grey Lowry who was an attorney on June 11, 1956. She gave birth to Alex, Grey, Kristen, and Benjamin. Lowry finally divorced in 1977, where she went back to college at University of Southern Maine where she got her B.A. Although my books deal largely with families, I also attach a great deal of importance to friendships. Those are the things young people should pay attention to in their lives. That is how Lois Lowry get her methods of stories, by an idea that her stories can move and teach younger people and to those who read her stories provide them with strong motivation. She has an ability to explore young readers lives and relationships in w ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

PhD Thesis Writing Guidelines

PhD Thesis Writing Guidelines PhD Thesis Writing Guidelines It is a well known fact how seriously a PhD thesis writing is considered at many universities. Showing an impeccable result is the main thing that is expected from you. Of course, it demands a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it. However, there are several pitfalls you should avoid, and our task now is to have a look at the process of writing a thesis and ways to make it faster and easier. The main problem you may face is the constant feeling of anxiety. Writing a thesis is probably the most serious research work you have done in your life. Anyway, careful planning and following certain steps can make the process of writing your thesis easier. First of all, you have to plan your time carefully. The whole process can be divided into several parts, so you have to spend enough time on all of them. Start with choosing a topic. Chances are you may be interested in some spheres of your field of study more than in the others. Your topic should also be somehow unique and at the same time relevant. The next step is gathering all the necessary information required for your work. Use trusted sources, but keep in mind that you may find thoughts that are rather controversial or even wrong there. So, you have to analyze everything you read. Very often thinking is a more important process than reading. You have all the information you need, but you have to think of a way to combine it all together to get a paper. Be ready that ideas can come to your head unexpectedly. So, take notes, brainstorm your ideas, even if they look strange at the first sight, you may come up with something useful and original. Be creative, but at the same time stick to the rules of academic writing. Once you finish your paper, you should look through it to proofread and edit your paper if needed. Even self-confident people need someone to check if they are doing everything right, especially when we talk about a PhD thesis. You may need some help at the stage of writing your draft because of the lack of ideas, or you would rather ask someone to proofread your paper or help with editing. Sometimes formatting your paper, choosing the right font, or making a reference page can be also a challenging task. There is no need to worry since our academic writing service can help you with all of that. Just place an order to let us know what kind of help you need, and one of our experienced writers will assist you in writing your PhD thesis.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Health Information Flyer Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health Information Flyer - Article Example A myriad of studies conducted shows that about 90% of anogenital warts cases are caused by HPV. The infection has also been connected with the cancers of vulva, cervix, anus, penis, vagina and oropharynx. It is one of the leading viruses causing cervical cancer. Currently, there are two vaccines available; bivalent (HPV types 16 and 18 and a quadrivalent (HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18). Both vaccines have proved to be offering more than 90% protection despite the fact that its role in male is still controversial. (Nen, 2010) With the consistent prevalence in the new infections, it is necessary that both the affected persons and the government take necessary actions to control the infection which is one of the leading causes of cervical cancer. Cancer is currently one of the leading causes of death across the globe. It is therefore in order that relevant action is taken to control its upsurge. The information share to the public will be fundamental in controlling future deaths. (Nen, 2010) Finally, the flier below and the information provided will be addressed to the sexual active teenagers and parents. Most youths are ignorant about the disease and therefore the information will create awareness and take some necessary action. The parents will also benefit from the information which they can share with their children and advise them to take the vaccination to avoid future cancer incidences. Human papillomavirus is a name of group of virus that entails more than 100 different strains and is spread one person to another through skin to skin contact in the genital areas. It can be spread even without sexual intercourse. At least a third of HPV are sexually transmitted and affects the genital parts of both sexes Some strains are very dangerous as they cancer in vagina, vulva and cervix amongst women while others can cause genital warts. CDC is a government department website and is regularly updated after studies are conducted. Funded by

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Business Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Project Management - Essay Example Project management process involves four major functions. These are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Planning is the first stage of project management process and evaluation of a project is done in wide areas of the project i.e. cost required, future cash flow, possible risks etc. Project life cycle estimation is also important activity in this stage. Second stage of project management process is organizing. In this stage, the required resources are organized like capital, labour, material, equipment and facilities etc. Capital refers to both the initial investment and fund required for management working capital. Leading is the third stage project management process and it is very much crucial for completion of a project with quality work and ensuring deadline. The main objective of leading is to ensure right job to right people and motivating them to get best output. Controlling is the final stage of project management process where the project is continuously monitor ed. Progress of the project is evaluated and compared with the proposed project progress plan. Developing effective strategies and change of ineffective strategies of project development is main part of controlling a project (Smith, L. 2003, p.4). Therefore, overall objective of project management should be performing these four project management functions very efficiently and effectively in an organized framework. This is the job of a project manager. To complete or continue a successful project, the project manager needs to be planned and executed for each small stage of the overall project. This will help to develop and implement contingence in critical situation during project development process. Discussion Answer 1 Resources Resource is one of the most important primary objectives of a project. It includes mainly people, material and equipment i.e. the major non financial resources. Availability of skilled employees is one of the main focused areas of businesses because skill , knowledge and experience of employees have substantial impact on quality output and progress of a project. Again, sufficient supply of people leads to low wage rate and total wage of a project and vice-versa. Therefore, this important resource needs to evaluate at the planning stage of project management process so that project deadline, cost and quality work can be ensured. Next important resource is equipment which is very necessary to do the project task or activities. Technology plays a great role in this resource as use of hi-technology equipment reduces completion time or faster production and more output. Again, the employees also need to very much familiar with the advanced technology equipments as they need to operate the equipments efficiently to ensure better output. Material is another important resource of project as it is needed to produce the products. Therefore, sufficient and continuous supply of raw material is necessary for project. Material is necessary for bot h construction and production unit projects. Time Time is one important factor of project management. Project deadline and progress of a project can be ensured by efficient time management. It includes working hour of the employees and daily, weekly or monthly work progress. Again, time management can be aided by using tools, techniques and skills to accomplishing specific work activity or goal within due date. Therefore, to develop specific goal or work target, minimum time need to be considered to reduce total

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Success is about hard work and not luck Essay Example for Free

Success is about hard work and not luck Essay This is the case of 74 year old male patient heavy smoker (2 packs per day) presenting to the floor of MGH for the above chief complaints. History goes back to 15 days when the patient noticed 3 successive episodes of blood with urination at morning, one hour apart, painless ,of large amount, complete stream ,also the patient recorded that he saw 2 pieces of clots after voiding at noon of same day .then the color of urine was back to normal as the patient said. there’s associated nocturia, urgency, and drippling of one month duration .also weight loss of 15 kg within 3Â  months.NO burning sensation , no pain ,no dysuria, no fever ,no flank pain,no back pain, no nausea no vomiting, no constipation ,no other system involved symptoms. The patient was admitted to MGH for further investigations. PMH : DM 25 years ago HTN 10 years ago CAD 10 years ago Medications: concor 5 mg one at morning aspicot 100 mg OD Lipitor 20 mg OD glucophage 750 mg PO BID amaryl 4 mg PO daily tritase 10 mg PO daily PSH: CABG, hemorroidectomy , left herniectomy, right hip fixation by plates and screws(duration unknown by the patient). Family history: Mother(DM,HTN,CAD) Allergy : No known drug or food allergy. Physical examination: General examination: The patient is conscious, cooperative, oriented, pale, sitting, thin , cachectic ,having foley catheter.(seen 2 days postop) Vital Signs: RR: 24/min Pulse: 64/min Temp.: 37.4 C BP: 160/90 mmhg. HEENT : pallor, no cyanosis, no jaundice, no ecchymosis, no mouth ulcers , bad oral hygiene Decreased visual acuity (presbiopia) ,arcus senilis ,diplopia No tinnitus, no vertigo (Dix hallpike test not done) Chest ex:good bilateral air entry. No rub, no crepitations, no wheezes. cardiac ex: Regular S1S2 with no murmurs. Abdomen ex: 1. Inspection: non distended symmetrical abdomen No visible pulsation or peristalsis No localized bulge Male pattern of hair distribution Umbilicus is slightly shifted downwards, no discharge No full flanks Normal subcostal angle No spider angiomas No visible veins No scars, or scaling red colored urine(in the foley’s bag) but the urine is clear due to irrigation of bladder 2.Auscultation: audible bowel sounds, no renal artery bruit 3.Palpation: soft non tender abdomen, warm, no palpable masses, Lower border of liver is not felt, upper border at 5th ICS along the MCL Spleen is not palpable Both kidneys are not palpable , no CVA tenderness. no suprapubic pain. 4.Percussion:tympanitic urinary bladder 5.DRE: not done 6.Genitalia examination: not done Lower limbs :positive pedal pulses no lower limb edema, no redness no bruises no muscular atrophy. Differential diagnosis: 1- bladder cancer 2- BPH 3- Prostatitis 4- Urolithiasis 5- Prostate cancer incidental or advanced. Investigations : Labs : CBCD, BUN, Creatinine ,electrolytes, CRP, HBA1C,FBS,LDL,HDL,triglyceride PT ,PTT ,PSA, urine analysis and culture. Imaging : CT urography(uroscan),cystoscope and urine cytology. What was done at the hospital : Item Minumum Maximum Value pre op Hemoglobin Urine analysis : normal Ultrasound of pelvis : no post residue voiding ,small thick wall, prostate is enlarged measuring 39 grams Management : Control the glucose level preop TURBT TURP to relieve obstruction with biopsy of prostate Send the samples to pathology and wait the results. If the tumor did not invade the detrusor muscle it’s superficial and managed according to grading and depth (Ta low grade TUPBT only ,T1 low grade or Ta high grade TURBT + intravesicle injection of chemotherapy , T1 high grade TUPBT and relook after 1 month) if invade the detrusor muscle : T2 = metastatic workup CT abdomen ,chest , and bone scan.then remove the bladder and do urinary divergence by neobladder or ileostomy(conduit).

Friday, November 15, 2019

Exploring Arab Women :: Arab Culture Cultural Marriage Essays

Exploring Arab Women In Liyana Badr’s novel, A Balcony over the Fakihani, the reader witnesses Yusra’s experience with water as she proclaims that, â€Å"I’ll [she’ll] stay till I’ve [she’s] filled my [her] jerry can [even] if I [she] die[s] doing it! (Badr, 10)† While Maha the main female character in Fadia Faqir’s Pillars of Salt, and her husband â€Å"immersed our [their] bodies in the warm water,† (Faqir, 54) of the Dead Sea as they share their first love making experience. Yasmina teaches granddaughter Fatima of the liberating power of water in Fatima Mernissi’s lyrical coming of age account of harem life in Dreams of Trespass. While Asya, the primary female character in Ahdaf Soueif’s In the Eye of the Sun, jet sets between the pools of the posh and exclusive Cairo country clubs and summer cruises in the Mediterranean. Yet, Leila Al-Atrash’s female character Nadia only mentions water in passing as she showers to avo id the presence of her husband. While one woman is desperate for a drop of water and willing to risk her life to achieve it, others use it as a vehicle to outsmart a dominating first wife, while another fully engages with water in the convenience of her home. This variation in the Authors’ usage and need water reflects the greater diversity in the identity of the Arab woman . In the five literary works Pillars of Salt by Fadia Faqir, A Woman of Five Seasons by Leila Al-Atrash, A Balcony Over the Fakihani by Liyana Badr, Dreams of Trespass by Fatima Mernissi, and In the Eye of the Sun by Ahdaf Soueif, water can mean different things to different people and these differing views of water reflect the diversity of class, societal expectations, education and socio-economic status that exists in Arab women. Therefore, these authors are establishing a multi-faceted view of Arab women, and challenge the reader to abolish their own social constructions and stereotypes about the Arab w oman. In an effort to organize and disaggregate the wealth of experience and knowledge relayed through these novels this discourse ic compiled to consider the following: what is the historical image and portrayal of Arab women? How do the images represented by these authors challenge this historical image? What are the implications of a singular image of Arab women? What lessons does one learn from the multi-dimensional view of Arab women in relation to Western feminism?

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

La Belle Dame sans Merci By John Keats Essay

â€Å"La Belle Dame sans Merci† is a poem written by John Keats who was a romantic poet. The first three stanzas of this poem are spoken by the narrator who is talking to the poet, asking him why he’s wondering by himself and looks so sad. He addresses the poet as â€Å"wretched Wight† roaming outside, all alone. The narrator who’s out in the countryside talks about the night and the surroundings what it’s like presently. There are no sedges or birds in the trees. Everything seems to be complete as the harvests are done which marks the end of the year and the fact that there are no leaves tells us it is autumn too which is a time of the year when it seems as though all forms of life have come to an end. Out of curiosity he asks the poet what is wrong with him. The rest of the poem is the poet’s reply. The poet tells us that he saw an extremely beautiful lady somewhere as in the line â€Å"I met a lady in the meads, full beautiful, a fairy’s child†. The poet further describes the lady. He says that she was so beautiful and graceful that she couldn’t have been a human. With such long hair and the grace as she had, she had to be a fairy’s child though her eyes seemed to be wild† or â€Å"disturbed†. The poet makes her sit on his horse and in her presence, sees nothing else as in the line â€Å"I set her on my pacing steed and nothing else saw all day long†. She sings a song of such music and melody that’s it’s definitely not human. A place where there seemed to be no sound of birds is now enchanted by music. The music is not ordinary music or song but that of a fairies and the immortal as in the line â€Å"for sideways would she lean and sing a fairy’s song†. The fairy in this poem represents the poetic inspiration which inspires poets and artists to write and compose. Without this they feel that they are good as dead. The poetic inspiration casts poets into a delightful mood out of which they are able to compose their poetry. It changes a poet’s life when it enters it by brightening it up and leaves it in a nasty way. Just the way poetic inspiration can change the life of a poet when it enters the previous picture of dull and lifelessness also brightens up when the lady is mentioned. In the third to fifth stanza the poet describes the experience in the presence of the lady and the poetic inspiration which are alike. The poet under the â€Å"spell† composes poetry with â€Å"words† as though decorating the fairy that seems to enjoy him poetry [decoration] very much and urges him to continue. He seems to be enjoying all the sensual pleasures which are of taste, sight, music, fragrance and touch. In the lines â€Å"she found me roots of relish sweet and honey wild and manna dew†, the words â€Å"relish sweet†, â€Å"honey wild†, and â€Å"manna dew†, symbolize or express rather, the pleasures experienced by the poet while writing poetry. In the next stanza we find key words which tell us something about the lady. In the lines â€Å"and there she gazed and sighed deep and there I shut her wild sad eyes so kissed to sleep†, the words â€Å"sighed deep† and â€Å"wild sad eyes† tell us that the lady is not happy about something and that she too is troubled over something. The lady who happens to be a fairy, one that belongs to the world of the immortal cannot stay with a person for long. This is because she is from a different world and so after a period of time she must desert the person no matter what and this is what has caused her grief. Even the best of men this world can offer, kings and warriors are no math and she must leave them all. In the same way, the poetic inspiration cannot stay with one person for a long time. It must move on and go to other people and inspire them to compose as well. In the next stanza we see how the poet tries to enjoy his few moments of ecstasy at the most and dream even if it’s on the cold hill side. The poet knows that he too, like those before him will be deserted. In the next stanza he describes his dream, or rather nightmare in which he sees the people who have already been deserted by the lady and become severely ill their life to them was as good as death. Without the fairy that they loved, they had nothing to live for. In the same sense the poetic inspiration allows poets to do what they love to do i.e. write poetry but once that is taken away, so is their ability of composing and they loose interest in life. The men are left with starved lips and pale faces with nothing worth living for. And when the poet wakes up, he find himself in the same situation and all alone on the cold hill side. And so the poet tells the narrator that he had been deserted by the one he loved most and it didn’t really matter what time of the year it was because his life was as good as death.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Globalization Myth Essay

Globalization is an economic activity in which social change is a continuous process. Globalization happens through the increasing level of interdependence among nations to integrate their economic, political and social spheres. It is a force that has sped up the rate of communication, the increased the intensity of market competition, flared the rate of trades and strengthened interaction amongst states. The development of this concept is towards within the world political economy. As Douglas recounted, the concepts that signaled the rise of globalization are: â€Å"the rise of neoliberal transnational technocracy, the transfiguration of the military-industrial complex into the military-communications complex; the rationalization of the postwar ‘global governance institutions (IMF, IBRD, GATT, NATO, UN, EC/U), and the rise of others (NAFTA, WTO, APEC, ASEAN, PECC); transition within the ‘multi-core complex’ (in particular the incorporation of the developmental states of East Asia); decolonization, dependent development and the reconstruction of hierarchical commodity chains against calls for a ‘New International Economic Order’; the disintegration of the corporate-liberal synthesis followed by the deeper embeddedness of state-capital relations; a broad transition of command between the manufacturing and service spheres of Western economies; and the demobilization of labor unions† (1997) In general, there are two views on globalization. First, is that globalization is an offspring brought by the development of new communication technology. And second, its significance and purpose lies in the linkages that it forms within states, societies and individuals (McGrew 992). The concept was hastened primarily because of the growing capability of humans to innovate technology. Communication technology played a crucial part in the globalization boom. Information technology is an extension and a means towards pushing a long term development in the technology that will aide further penetrations in the state system (Chase 1994). This has brought closer states, it made exchange of information faster and more efficient. Nonetheless, creating allies was easier. And these allies were used for trades, for economic perpetuation, for defense strengthening, and for other purpose that interdependence may serve to strong nations. While others view globalization as merely an integration among nations in such a way that it shall enable individual or entrepreneurs around the world to trade faster and cheaper, there are still scholars and activists who view otherwise. Hirst and Thomson, in their book Globalization in Question suggested that globalization is a â€Å"deliberate process of economic liberalization† that forces individuals and states to participate in a more intense market forces (2000). It is a force that pushes states to participate in order to survive. Rights and equality are merely an issue. It is a question of a state’s capability to resist the calls of globalization and afterwards suffer the consequences that may be imposed on their markets, shall they try to counter the demands of the globalizing countries. It is an issue of control over the process, and who controls the market. Globalization has reached towards the depths of a nation’s character. Ecology, culture, communication, economic and political areas were the ones that were strategically affected by globalization. This in a way, can its ideologies be pushed within a state territory. Cultural components of the human evolution has been a central target for the start of the modern world-system (Meyer 1989). The thrust in the cultural sphere has been a great start to penetrate the state system. This marked a good start into luring the economic and political aspects of a country. As culture is the heart and soul of a country, it is the first door that must be opened in order to manipulate the thinking and mindset of the target population. No wonder that the process of globalization has started within the realms of media, towards the commercial products and creating a wide array of popular culture that will penetrate the population. On the other hand, communication as mentioned above has been, and will always be an integral part in the current world system. The rapid advancement in technology has decreased the cost of communication, and this has greatly affected the communication capability. State consciousness, as a delicate factor for the formation of â€Å"global civil society† has qualitatively changed by far. Globalization of communication has altered values, culture and consciousness by means of creating or destroying something whether the state calls for it or not (Giddens 1996) The trends revealed continuities and struggles for economy and democracy based on their own reflective judgments about the emerging ideology. As Moore suggested, progressive movements must make use of the ideas emerging from economic nationalism to retract the world market forces (1995). But nowadays, the public has accepted the mainstream social, political and cultural trends that developed within and among nations as an end-result in the interactions in the expanding world system (Chase 1999). This phenomenon has yielded different opinions on the basis of its feasibility and its significance among states. When they say â€Å"economic and social progress escaping from territorial limitations and become global† – it means that society and politics has escaped the state. Everything has become global in the sense that everything has gone into the cyberspace, without borders (Hirst 2001). The effects in politics are more pronounced in such a way that state functions are no longer within borders; as such the market and internet have absorbed its functions. Another effect of globalization on politics is that, its processes have become a mere satellite heavily relying by international entities such as UN. It has become dependent with the global political forces rather than the usual local regulation (Hirst 2001). Indeed, politics have also become market-driven. The economic regulation was attributed to government and agencies that can respond more flexibly in the ever changing economic system. Murphy’s â€Å"global governance† explains the growth of international organizations. This trend of political globalization concentrated on grasping international sovereignty (1994). Alongside, this ideology has tried to undercut and argued for elimination of Second Wave institutions such as unions, socialist parties and welfare programs (Dunn 1999). Economically, globalization delocalized activities, the way it had driven away the functions of politics away from the state. These activities have been ripped from its origins and its own unique culture (Gray 1999). Globalization meant the â€Å"global-spanning economic relationships† (Chase 199). This were manifested in the growing interrelationships of markets, networks of goods and services that were institutionalized by transnational corporations. During these era, the rate of trade and investment has dramatically increased. Globalization has brought states closer by means of using higher organizations to control the wave spectrum. States look upon those entities to enforce legislations that will cover a larger market. Division of labor emerged and under this globalization picture, this shall bring order to the international community. This international order serves as ties to connect these states towards one another. Thinkers of globalization would suggest that failure to participate in this order would render them weak, for their attempt to preserve local political control will result to the demise of governance (Hirst 2001). This world system created from political globalization has lead to the emergence of hegemons, those which were in control of the trade and had the richest access to the wealthiest nations that have thick resources of raw materials that are essential to the growth of the economies of these hegemons. Gaining control of these resources, coupled with their political supremacy over the others, prompted a heavy disparity over the rights of those who are inclined to follow the ascendancy of global leaders. This is the process in which globalization has indeed grown big but left numerous states at demise. These are peripheral states that are under the rule of their core countries. And although as much as globalization had promised to provide an equal playing field for market trades, it is impossible to attain such, given that political control is always concentrated on the side of a few. This is also a reason wherein globalization hasn’t reached its outmost capability to boom. There are states that resisted this call and decided to stand outside the field of hegemonic rulers. The question on globalization’s â€Å"global† character was raised based on its function. As Hirst and Thompson argued, the system is indeed international but it is not operating truly global. It is not global because it only operates amongst national economies centered only on major states. And even as large economies participate in the global trade, most of them still keep the majority of their products towards their national economies. Migrations have also been watched after to secure the growth of their economies (Hirst 2000). Though there exists a strong connection and interdependence among countries, not the entirety of the system is globalized but fitted in an order that will allow it to compete internationally. As Castell gave employment as an example; employment has never escaped its local origin, but it has rather been a â€Å"strategically crucial economic factor that was networked for exchange of the inputs and outputs† (2001). Here, globalization has been used as a guise to import labor, for an excessive output. This is in a way increased the significance of interdependence among nations. The international division of labor has been manipulated to favor stronger nations and extract the weaker nations of its resources and capacity. Academic contention on globalization as merely a myth has risen from its characteristics that its processes have made. Globalization is challenged as just a form of â€Å"internationalization†. There are academic scholars to argue that internationalization has never progressed to globalization. Because, internalization entailed the significance of nations and role of state, while on the other hand, globalization in its full bloom state must eliminate the existence of nation states (Hirst 2000). And for one thing, the countries that have succumbed to the calls of globalization in the guise of international relations are those who were previous colonies of the fallen empires, the post-war victims, and the weak nations who had no other choice but to follow the dictates of the then superpower of America. There wasn’t a choice left but to participate in that international trade rather than being apprehended by international authorities, or be sanctioned.

Friday, November 8, 2019

6 Ways to Use the Preposition Di in Italian

6 Ways to Use the Preposition Di in Italian While students are often taught in classrooms that the preposition â€Å"di† simply means â€Å"of†, the truth is a lot more complicated. In fact, the small, unassuming â€Å"di† can actually mean: OfFromAboutByThan 6 Common Ways to Use Di in Italian Below you’ll find the various ways that it’s used along with some examples to help you clarify how you can use it in conversation, too. 1. To Show Possession È il libro di Maria. - It’s Marias book.La nonna della mia ragazza à ¨ qua. - My girlfriend’s grandmother is here.Vado al negozio di Giovanni. - I’m going to Giovanni’s shop. â€Å"Di† can also be used to talk about creative possession in terms of the authors of books or the director of movies, like: Ho letto i libri di Rossana Campo. - I’ve read Rossana Campo’s books.Oggi leggeremo la Divina Commedia di Dante. - Today we’re going to read Dante’s Divina Commedia. 2.  To Describe What an Object Is Made Of Il tavolo di legno - Wooden tableLa spada di metallo - Metal knifeLa medaglia di bronzo - Bronze medal Note that if a material is more precious in nature, like â€Å"il marmo - marble†, then you may also use the preposition â€Å"in†. Una statua in marmo - A marble statueUna collana in oro zecchino - A pure gold necklace 3.  To Show Origin Using the Verb Essere di Nome di Citt (Name of the City) Elisa à ¨ di Napoli. - Elisa is from Napoli.Maurizio à ¨ di Prato. - Maurizio is from Prato.I Rossi sono di Catania. - The Rossis are from Catania.Sono di Portland. - I’m from Portland. 4. To Be Used With Certain Verbs Decidere di (fare qualcosa) - To decide to (do something)Avere bisogno di (fare qualcosa) - To need to (do something)Finire di (fare qualcosa) - To finish (doing something)Accorgersi di (qualcosa) - To notice (something)Innamorarsi di (qualcuno) - To be in love with (someone)Vergognarsi di (qualcosa) - To be ashamed by (something) This is not an exhaustive list of all of the verbs that are paired with the preposition â€Å"di†, but it does give you a taste of common ones. 5.  To Be Used in Fixed Phrases Di sera - During the eveningDi notte - At nightDestate - During/In the summerUn uomo di mezza et - A middle-aged manTassa di soggiorno - Visitor tax 6. To Make Comparisons Lucia à ¨ pià ¹ alta di Marco. - Lucia is taller than Marco.La mia macchina à ¨ pià ¹ bella della tua. - My car is more beautiful than yours.Susan riesce a parlare l’italiano meglio di suo marito. - Susan is able to speak Italian better than her husband. Other Common Usages of Di in Italian Di is used in a couple of other scenarios as well. To give your shoe size Porto il 39 di scarpe. - I wear size 39 shoes. To specify measurements Vorrei 400 grammi di spinaci. - I would like 400 grams of spinach. While it might seem intimidating to realize there is a ton to learn around just one preposition, take comfort in the fact that nobody learns how to use â€Å"di†, or any pieces of the Italian language, overnight. Each student will pick up a little here and little there and over time, knowledge will accumulate, so don’t feel pressured to memorize everything right now. As the Italians say, piano, piano (bit by bit).

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Write a Persuasive Essay

How to Write a Persuasive Essay When writing a persuasive essay, the authors goal is to sway the reader to share his or her opinion. It can be more difficult than  making an argument, which involves using facts to prove a point. A successful persuasive essay will reach the reader on an emotional level, much the way a well-spoken politician does. Persuasive speakers arent necessarily trying to convert the reader or listener to completely change their minds, but rather to consider an idea or a focus in a different way. While its important to use credible arguments supported by facts, the persuasive writer wants to convince the reader or listener that his or her argument is not simply correct, but convincing as well. The are several different ways to choose a topic for your persuasive essay. Your teacher may give you a prompt or a choice of several prompts. Or you may have to come up with a topic, based on your own experience or the texts youve been studying. If you do have some choice in the topic selection, its helpful if you select one that interests you and about which you already feel strongly. Another key factor to consider before you begin writing is the audience. If youre trying to persuade a roomful of teachers that homework is bad, for instance, youll use a different set of arguments than you would if the audience was made up of high school students or parents. Once you have the topic and have considered the audience, there are a few steps to prepare yourself before you begin writing your persuasive essay: Brainstorm.  Use whatever method of brainstorming works best for you. Write down your thoughts about the topic. Make sure you know where you stand on the issue. You can even try asking yourself some questions. Ideally, youll try to ask yourself questions that could be used to refute your argument, or that could convince a reader of the opposite point of view. If you dont think of the opposing point of view, chances are your instructor or a member of your audience will.Investigate.  Talk to classmates, friends, and teachers about the topic. What do they think about it? The responses that you get from these people will give you a preview of how they would respond to your opinion. Talking out your ideas, and testing your opinions, is a good way to collect evidence. Try making your arguments out loud. Do you sound shrill and angry, or determined and self-assured? What you say is as important as how you say it.Think.  It may seem obvious, but you really have to think about how you a re going to persuade your audience. Use a calm, reasoning tone. While persuasive essay writing is at its most basic an exercise in emotion, try not to choose words that are belittling to the opposing viewpoint, or that rely on insults. Explain to your reader why, despite the other side of the argument, your viewpoint is the right, most logical one. Find examples.  There are many writers and speakers who offer compelling, persuasive arguments. Martin Luther King Jr.s I Have a Dream speech is widely cited as one of the most persuasive arguments in American rhetoric. Eleanor Roosevelts The Struggle for Human Rights is another example of a skilled writer trying to persuade an audience. But be careful: While you can emulate a certain writers style, be careful not to stray too far into imitation. Be sure the words youre choosing are your own, not words that sound like theyve come from a thesaurus (or worse, that theyre someone elses words entirely).Organize.  In any paper that you write you should make sure that your points are well-organized and that your supporting ideas are clear, concise, and to the point. In persuasive writing, though, it is especially important that you use specific examples to illustrate your main points. Dont give your reader the impression that you are not educated on the issues related to your topic. Ch oose your words carefully. Stick to the script.  The best essays follow a simple set of rules: First, tell your reader what youre going to tell them. Then, tell them. Then, tell them what youve told them. Have a strong, concise thesis statement before you get past the second paragraph, because this is the clue to the reader or listener to sit up and pay attention.Review and revise.  If you know youre going to have more than one opportunity to present your essay, learn from the audience or reader feedback, and continue to try to improve your work. A good argument can become a great one if properly fine-tuned.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Please respond to t he 2 students' assignment highlighted in yellow

Please respond to t he 2 students' highlighted in yellow and red. the responses must be each 1 page with at least 4 references - Assignment Example To this end, power became the highest priority for a city state’s survival (Cunha et al., 2013; Harris, 2010). It was very right that Patti looked into the effects of such a situation on the people involved in power such as the prince and other people around. Clearly, the end was very disastrous and met with much destruction instead of construction (quote). In today’s generation however, much of a leader’s actions cannot be based on his will and thoughts about life alone. Today’s world is more of social unit where the actions of one leader at one end of the world greatly affects all people across the globe. I therefore disagree with Patti for heeding to Machiavelli’s advice that even in the 21st century leaders can apply force in some instances to get their principles warranted. As the world becomes a global village, there are bodies that check acts of violence and crime that happen in other parts of the world and try to stop leaders from being dictators (Becker, 2007). The best resolutions leaders should endeavor to use should thus be those that are based on the principles of peace and dialogue. Wittner gave a very vivid background to leadership between the two times in question, namely the Machiavelli era and the 21st century era. In the background, we realize that in the Machiavelli era, Princes, and for that matter leaders were law-makers and possessed sovereign power (Galie & Bopst, 2006). However in today’s world, the real power is given to the ruled rather than the ruler (Hub Pages, 2013). This is so because of the widespread of democracy in most parts of the world, where leadership is vested in the will of the people. To this end, I would perfectly agree with Wittner that the opinion held by Machiavelli that the end justified the means for a leader can no longer prevail in today’s generation of leadership. Indeed as the world becomes one through regional and global bodies such as the United

Friday, November 1, 2019

Purpose of Schooling from the Past to the Present Essay

Purpose of Schooling from the Past to the Present - Essay Example Jefferson also had a strong belief that without and educational background people would never really have any idea of what true freedom was. Jefferson is quoted as saying, "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in civilization, it expects what it never was and never will be" (Padover 1952). Therefore the belief from education to the past and currently in the present still exists to be that without an education people will only dream of what they want to be in life and what they would love to achieve. In order for great things to happen one has to have knowledge of their past and a good knowledge of their future through the gift of education. In colonial times the main structure of education was situated around learning English, Reading, Writing, History, and Arithmetic due to the fact that these five areas are and have always been considered to be the most prudent areas to have knowledge about in life. Also, there were public schools just as there are today and there existed private schools as well but in colonial times the only children that could have the possibility of attending where all white and came from very influential and prosperous families (Mapp 1991). Many studies have also found that poor children did not have the ability to attend any type of formal schooling due to the fact they did not have the clothes or supplies to be able to afford going and also due to great fear of not fitting in. Not only this but it was also in part on the fact that their parents needed them more on the farms working for monetary compensation to sustain the family than taking the time to receive a proper education. Therefore thes e children studied through apprenticeship (Pulliam & Patten 1999). Furthermore, those that did venture into elementary school only took time to learn the basics of schooling in order to function decently in society but their knowledge was very limited. Basically the learning process consisted of a lot of memorizing and those who did not study and learn where often whipped, which is similar to the style of punishment today in schools with the principal paddling students who act up in class. However, in colonial times the punishment for disruption was much harsher than it is today. The first textbook came from New England and was titled, "The New England Primer" and formed a part of America's contribution to young people's education. This text was used from 1609 all the way up until the mid 19th century to teach religion and reading (Pulliam & Patten 1999). For instance, for every letter of the alphabet that a child learned they also learned a religious scripture as well. Such as for the letter a, they learned "In Adams fall, We all sin." (Pulliam & Patten 1999). This shows that in the colonial period schools were greatly influenced by religion and when compared to today we can see a stark difference because religion in the public school system has all but been taken out of the teaching curriculum. Benjamin Franklin also had a great role in the educational process during the late colonial period as well, in fact possibly just as influential as Thomas Jefferson was to the learning process of the various time periods. As the times progressed in the learning envir onment for Americans the more the attitude grew that necessary